Quick tips to help your dog cope with fireworks
Last year the RSPCA received 364 calls relating to fireworks in October and November – more than in both 2015 and 2016.
Research shows that up to 45 per cent of dogs may be fearful of fireworks* so to help combat the problem the RSPCA has come up with some advice to help pet owners.
RSPCA Scientific Officer Lisa Richards said: “As the winter months draw in many of us look forward to going to local bonfire and fireworks festivities.
“We would always advise letting your vet know of any signs of stressed or unusual behaviour in your animal so they can give you advice to help your pet in the long-term, but there are also some quick tips to help you and your pet during the fireworks.”
● For any pet, whether it be a dog, cat, rabbit or rodent, make sure you provide suitable hiding places with extra bedding where they can feel safe. This is also true for animals that live outside.
● Close all windows and curtains.
● Play music or put on the television to muffle the fireworks, using a Sounds Scary! CD to help dogs learn to be less afraid of loud noises.
● Make sure they’re kept in a safe place during any display.
● Never punish or fuss over them as it can make things worse.
● Make sure your pets are microchipped in case they escape.
● Give your dog their walk earlier in the day.
● Never ever take a dog to a fireworks display – even if they don’t make noise – it’s still highly likely to be a stressful situation for them.
● Pheromone diffusers may help dogs and cats feel calmer.